We are running a Special Sale during the months depicted on the picture to the left.
You can make reservations with us online at http://www.fountainparkmotel.com/.
You may also call us directly to place reservations at (920) 458-4641 or (866) 880-4641.
We are also offering Package Deals during our Special Sale period.
The packages include:
2 Nights for a total of $65.00 plus applicable taxes.
1 - $50.00 coupon for only $40.00 for Fountain Park Charcoal Grill Steakhouse.
2 - $10.00 Breakfast coupons for $7.50 each for Fountain Park Family Restaurant.
You must call us directly to place reservations for Package Deals at (920) 458-4641 or (866) 880-4641.
Unfortunately these packages are not available to reserve directly online.